Saturday, November 08, 2008

Being Productive...

I have been hugely productive this week. I don't know why. Actually I think it is the amazing pregnancy vitamins I started taking in sheer desperation - I can stay awake past 7.30 pm. So this week in the evenings I have...
  1. Sewed together the Truly Scrumptious quilt (by Cinderberrys) and sandwiched it for quilting
  2. Cut and sewed together a quilt like this and sandwiched it for quilting.
  3. Cut and sewed together the top and the back for the cousin's Christmas quilt
  4. Cut and sewed together (with James' help) Aunty Jo's Christmas present
Here is the dining table early saturday morning and ...
by 5pm here is a crazy log cabin for Martin, Melissa, Katrina and Sarah for Christmas. It's the second log cabin I've done, the first was last Sunday. I don't think I've really mastered it yet, but it's heaps of fun to try. Believe me this rate of progress won't last!

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