I started this project on my birthday. Its the Truly Scrumptous Quilt, I can't remember who it is by. We photocopied the embroidery pattern straight onto the fabric because we thought the black and white would look cool. It's so fake! but I love it. I went to buy some batting today because I thought I would hand quilt it, but I didn't buy enough - grrr so will have to sandwich it another day.

Here's my wee boy who is feeling poorly, I think he has a throat and ear infection but have to wait till 4pm tomorrow to see the doctor - poor wee darling.

Here's why working from home is not all bad! I spent most of the day sitting on the sofa with small boy cuddled up to me while I wrote policy (and read blogs).
Just love the Cinderberry Stitch pattern done in black. Very creative.
The poor little fellow. It tugs at my heart to see a sick child. He looks like a sweety. I am sure he is over all of that now.
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